© LRSO Ltd 2023
LRSO generate significant and much-needed revenue for schools and sports clubs through
the sales and management of their facilities for community use.
We handle absolutely all aspects of the lettings process, from customer service, sales &
marketing, bookings and finance through to the safe and professional supervision of all
lettings by our highly trained Venue Supervisors.
In short, the only job for our school and club partners is to decide how to spend all of the
additional revenue we generate!
Whether you are currently managing lettings in-house, have another lettings provider or
are yet to begin making money from your facilities, we guarantee that we will generate
more money for you whilst providing an unrivalled customer experience.
The process to begin partnering with us is hassle-free and we take full
ownership of the entire process, providing you with regular progress
updates. Here are the 10 simple steps to making you more money:
1. Contact Us - just send an email to enquiries@lrso.co.uk, and we will be in
touch promptly
2. Let’s Talk - we’ll arrange an initial meeting (usually via Teams) so that we
can explain what we do and understand your individual needs.
3. Site Tour - we will come and visit you in order to view the facilities and
provide you with a Financial Forecast and detailed proposal for you to
distribute with the other stakeholders.
4. Commitment - once you have decided that you want to partner with us,
we commit to launching within 6 weeks and commence our stringent
onboarding process.
5. Build your bespoke booking system - our online booking system powered by Bookteq is one of the most
sophisticated yet simple-to-use facility booking systems available. All of your facilities are priced according to
demographics and geographical location.
6. Recruit and train a team of Venue Supervisors - all of our staff are security vetted, receive an Enhanced DBS check
and are fully trained on safeguarding protocols before they are allowed to begin working.
7. Onboard existing customers
8. Commence the proactive sales drive using our bespoke ‘Customer Finder’ tool and begin the first (of many)
marketing campaigns tailored and targeted to your facilities.
9. Train staff on all aspects of your site - health & safety, security, emergency protocols etc.
10. Officially open for customers and start making you more money.
After we’ve started managing your lettings, you will receive regular and detailed financial reporting so that you can
see exactly who is using your school and what revenue is being generated so that you can budget accordingly.
And that’s it - possibly the safest and easiest solution to making money through your facilities!
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